This is a repost of my script for creating cmtrace compatible log entries. I know there are several out there, but this is mine, and I like it! So here it is! I have this on my github site as well (see link above).
I tried to put the description of what I’m doing in the comments, so you’ll find most of the information in there.
function New-CmnLogEntry {
Writes log entry that can be read by CMTrace.exe
If you set 'logEntries' to $true, it writes log entries to a file. If the file is larger then MaxFileSize, it will rename it to
*yyyymmdd-HHmmss.log and start a new file. You can specify if it's an (1) informational, (2) warning, or (3) error message as well.
It will also add time zone information, so if you have machines in multiple time zones, you can convert to UTC and make sure you know
exactly when things happened.
Will always write the entry verbose for troubleshooting
This is the text that is the log entry.
Defines the type of message, 1 = Informational (default), 2 = Warning, and 3 = Error.
.PARAMETER component
Specifies the Component information. This could be the name of the function or thread, or whatever you like, to further help identify what is being logged.
File for writing logs to (default is C:\Windows\temp\error.log).
.PARAMETER logEntries
Set to $true to write to the log file. Otherwise, it will just be write-verbose (default is $false).
Max size for the log (default is 5MB).
.PARAMETER maxLogHistory
Specifies the number of history log files to keep (default is 5).
New-CmnLogEntry -entry "Machine $computerName needs a restart." -type 2 -component 'Installer' -logFile $logFile -logEntries -MaxLogSize 10485760
This will add a warning entry, after expanding $computerName from the compontent Installer to the logfile and roll it over if it exceeds 10MB
Author: James Parris
Created: 2016-03-22
Updated: 2017-03-01 Added log rollover
2018-10-23 Added Write-Verbose
Added adjustment in TimeZond for Daylight Savings Time
Corrected time format for renaming logs because I'm an idiot and put 3 digits in the minute field.
PSVer: 3.0
Version: 2.0
[CmdletBinding(ConfirmImpact = 'Low')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = 'This is the text that is the log entry.')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = 'Defines the type of message, 1 = Informational (default), 2 = Warning, and 3 = Error.')]
[ValidateSet(1, 2, 3)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = 'Specifies the Component information. This could be the name of the function or thread, or whatever you like, to further help identify what is being logged.')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'File for writing logs to (default is C:\Windows\temp\error.log).')]
[String]$logFile = 'C:\Windows\temp\error.log',
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Set to $true to write to the log file. Otherwise, it will just be write-verbose (default is $false).')]
[Boolean]$logEntries = $false,
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Max size for the log (default is 5MB).')]
[Int]$maxLogSize = 5242880,
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Specifies the number of history log files to keep (default is 5).')]
[Int]$maxLogHistory = 5
# Get Timezone info
$now = Get-Date
$tzInfo = [System.TimeZoneInfo]::Local
# Get Timezone Offset
$tzOffset = $tzInfo.BaseUTcOffset.Negate().TotalMinutes
# If it's daylight savings time, we need to adjust
if ($tzInfo.IsDaylightSavingTime($now)) {
$tzAdjust = ((($tzInfo.GetAdjustmentRules()).DaylightDelta).TotalMinutes)[0]
$tzOffset -= $tzAdjust
# Now, to figure out the format. if the timezone adjustment is posative, we need to represent it as +###
if ($tzOffset -ge 0) {
$tzOffset = "$(Get-Date -Format "HH:mm:ss.fff")+$($tzOffset)"
# Otherwise, we need to represent it as -###
else {
$tzOffset = "$(Get-Date -Format "HH:mm:ss.fff")$tzOffset"
# Create entry line, properly formatted
$cmEntry = "<![LOG[{0}]LOG]!><time=""{2}"" date=""{1}"" component=""{5}"" context="""" type=""{4}"" thread=""{3}"">" -f $entry, (Get-Date -Format "MM-dd-yyyy"), $tzOffset, $pid, $type, $component
if ($PSBoundParameters['logEntries']) {
# Now, see if we need to roll the log
if (Test-Path $logFile) {
# File exists, now to check the size
if ((Get-Item -Path $logFile).Length -gt $MaxLogSize) {
# Rename file
$backupLog = ($logFile -replace '\.log$', '') + "-$(Get-Date -Format "yyyymmdd-HHmmss").log"
Rename-Item -Path $logFile -NewName $backupLog -Force
# Get filter information
# First, we do a regex search, and just get the text before the .log and after the \
$logFile -match '(\w*).log' | Out-Null
# Now, we add a trailing * for the filter
$logFileName = "$($Matches[1])*"
# Get the path for the log so we know where to search
$logPath = Split-Path -Path $logFile
# And we remove any extra rollover logs.
Get-ChildItem -Path $logPath -Filter $logFileName | Where-Object { $_.Name -notin (Get-ChildItem -Path $logPath -Filter $logFileName | Sort-Object -Property LastWriteTime -Descending | Select-Object -First $maxLogHistory).name } | Remove-Item
# Finally, we write the entry
$cmEntry | Out-File $logFile -Append -Encoding ascii
# Also, we write verbose, just incase that's turned on.
Write-Verbose $entry
} # End New-CmnLogEntry